Our lootsystem is fair as we play with SR and a +1 system on MS-items. That way we can ensure that almost everyone will get at least 1 item per raid.
All of us are having the attitude to improve themselves and make the effort to ensure an good standard performance-based. Going always as 20-man.
Standard raidday: Thursday.
Sometimes, due to real life reasons (some of us having family), there can be a change to Sundays. In absolute rare cases it could be another day as well, but never on Monday or Tuesday.
Just contact us, in best case "Flowieh" or "Bazaia", ingame on Wild Growth (EU). :-)
Ingame or discord.
This data is based on hated by many's recent reports.
hated by many 正在招募中!
What activities is hated by many recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in hated by many?