All classes and roles will be considered (mainly need ranged) - Fri/Tue Raiding 8-11 game time - MC H3 11/11,BWL 7/7, AQ 9/9 (20+ people) - Progression/Casual Guild
About Us
We are a gaming clan who have been going for 25+ years. Our Discord has more information regarding the games we play. The average age of the players in the guild is 40. Members are from all over the UK, Europe & even USA! You must be +18 to join. Levellers welcome!
Chilled out non-hardcore players welcome and those who have time on their hands who may wish to play with a partner who does not have as much time. We understand that work and real life can get in the way of WoW.
Discord is used for levelling, 5 man dungeons and raids, you don’t have to talk if you do not want to, but it is required for raiding and will be handy to have during dungeon runs.
We have two ranks; Raider (requires at least 50% attendance) and Knight (can raid or not raid, but less priority than a raider). You can join with the aim to become a raider, casual raiding or as a social. Our aim is to run 2 raid teams (or one team if insufficient numbers), don't worry if you're new, our skilled raid leaders can give an overview of the boss fights if required, but please do try and look tactics up! Our roster is healthy, but we need a few more bodies due to people not always being able to attend raids due to real life.
The leadership team have played wow for many years and have a lot of experience in the game. Please /w Pandion Knights and ask for a guild Officer: Themaddogg (GM), Deuzius, Muptar & Fluffyrouge (officer team)
Thanks for reading
Contact information hasn't been set
This data is based on Pandion Knights's recent reports.
Pandion Knights 目前並非處於招募狀態
What activities is Pandion Knights recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Pandion Knights?