just comes with the territoryWild Growth
Raid Times: 8 PM EST
MONDAY / TUESDAY / THURSDAYWe're all about that fine line between casual and hardcore. Here, feedback is the loot that improves us all. Don't sweat the small stuff, but if you're in the green, we'll coach you to greatness. It's not about being the best; it's about beating your yesterday.
Mondays 8 PM EST - Off-night
Tuesdays 8 PM EST - Main Raid
Thursdays 8 PM EST - Main Raid
Soft-reserve (SR) Point System
How It Works
If your SR item drops, you will only roll against others who also SR'd that item or have the same SR point total.
Reward for Soft-Reserving the Same Item
Reserving the same item as in a previous raid gives you an additional SR point. The player with the most SR points on an item wins it.
No SR Claims
If no one SR'd the item, it is rolled as a MS > OS +1 item.
SR Win = +1
Winning your SR item gives you a +1 modifier for future MS > OS +1 rolls.
- Recruitment -
+ Recruitment is currently open for the following for:
- DPS Mages
- DPS Rogues
- DPS Feral Druid
- Healing Mage
Considering any high performing DPS Class
Wondering if this is the guild for you? Whisper:
in-game.Join our discord!
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This data is based on Regret's recent reports.
Regret 正在招募中!
團隊副本, 地城, PvP, 社交
What activities is Regret recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Regret?