Degenerates is a hardcore/semi-hc guild that has been clearing all content and speed running since April 2020. Since then, we have achieved multiple Top 5 North American times over different phases and expansions, including being #1 NA/#1 Horde World for BWL in SoD. We raid at the following times:
• Mon @ 9:00 EST - Optional Alt/Overflow BWL/Wbosses/BWL for all raids.
• Tues @ 9:00 EST - HC Raid #1 Split #1.
• Tues @ 10:00 EST - HC Raid #1 Split #2
• Wed @ 9:00 EST - Semi-HC Raid.
If you are interested, please join our discord at and fill out an application at:
Zanso. Can also apply here:
This data is based on Degenerates's recent reports.
Degenerates 正在招募中!
團隊副本, PvP
What activities is Degenerates recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Degenerates?