Seedless was formed on day one of Classic in August 2019. Our accomplishments in vanilla include crafting and maintaining three Thunderfuries, crowning a Scarab Lord, completing two Atieshs, one set of Glaives in Black Temple, and an Ashes of Alar, and clearing Sunwell. We had server top 10 raid times on Benediction in Phase 1 of TBC.
- Tues 9pm EST (Main Raid)
- Sun 9pm EST (Extra raid day for Progression only)
- Thursday 9PM EST: Old Raids (Optional)
We have successfully run a drama free Loot Council for multiple phases, with a primary focus on rewarding player performance and preparedness over guild tenure or guild rank/position. Our LC is structured to prevent self-voting by members or other such corruption and collusion. We strive to maintain proactive and open communication with our raiders so that the LC goals, and individual player gearing goals, are aligned and transparent. New raiders who are committed and performing recive just as much loot as our veterans.
Two weeks of raiding is the general trial period length. During that time you are not "loot banned." If you are performing at a high level and showing engagement towards the raid and the guild during your trial, you will be considered for bigger loot. After the two week trial you will have the full and equal priority for loot just as any other raider.
We like to give new trials loot wherever we can to show appreciation for you time.
If you're interested in gaming with us, join our Guild Discord and message zenpox, or just add as a friend and direct message on discord.
Guild Discord:
Seedless 正在招募中!
團隊副本, 地城, 社交, PvP
What activities is Seedless recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Seedless?