Welcome to Jesters! We are a long running Horde guild that first formed back in WOTLK 2008 and decided that for Season of Discovery, we would give alliance a go!
We raid every Wednesday from 1930-2300 and handle loot using the Soft Reserve loot system (+3 usually, depends on raid size and boss count).
We are currently looking for a few additional classes to fill our roster - Mage, Shadow Priest, Feral Druid.
If you think Jesters is a good fit for you or wish to know any further details, please reach out to Choba/Rhoba in-game.
Choba, Rhoba (In-game), Choba can also be messaged directly via the Living Flame discord.
This data is based on Jesters's recent reports.
Jesters 正在招募中!
團隊副本, 地城, 社交
What activities is Jesters recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Jesters?