Lifted has proven it's worth as one of the top guilds in the Kromcrush server, having had multiple raiding accomplishments throughout it's history, such as:
Molten Core - Server 2nd
Blackwing Lair - Server 3rd
AQ 40 - Server 1st
Naxxramas - Server 3rd
Molten Core - 50:28
Blackwing Lair - 27:43
AQ 40 - 43:07
Naxxramas - 1:08:31
The guild has made a comeback for Season of Discovery - we are currently hosting multiple raids with different mindsets. We run a core raid on Tuesdays, speedrun on Wednesdays, and have a more casual alt/friends run on Sunday. Here are our accomplishments for SoD speed running:
BFD - 15:25 - Server 7th alliance
Gnomeregan - 18:24 - Server 2nd alliance
Sunken Temple - 26:48 - Server 7th alliance
Molten Core - 39:17 - Currently Server 1st alliance
Discord Contact: .trizzi // yungvee // baddis1212 // magnusleo_
This data is based on Lifted's recent reports.
Lifted 正在招募中!
團隊副本, PvP, 地城, 社交
What activities is Lifted recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Lifted?