Crown is a raiding guild formed day one of Classic.
Originally formed as Bane on Pagle-US for classic 2019 launch, transferred to Mankrik before AQ40 release, and now experiencing Season of Discovery on Wild Growth. We always strive to maintain a presence for progression, speed and other metrics on our home server while pushing for continuous improvement both as individual raiders and as a team.
Leadership strives to create an engaging, challenging and fun raiding environment for all of our members and focus on getting the raids done in a timely and efficient manner. We have a very active community and have a lot of laughs, we ask that any member of Crown respect other players in and outside of the guild, no drama. We have set goals and achievements to work towards and we're looking for like-minded players to add to our growing community.
We currently run 20-mans at 8:00pm EST (6:00pm Server Time) on each lockout cycle and use an availability sheet on our Discord server. Our raid days are currently Monday & Thursday and we usually use Thursday for the main raid and the other day for 10man content.
We expect all of our raiders to maintain a good raiding attendance, show up on time and be committed to the team. Everyone needs to show up with appropriate consumables, enchants, gems and anything else needed for the raid night. We make sure all of our players are performing well enough, and offer support and advice when they need it. We're always looking to improve and grow as a team.
Currently we use a 3-SR system. We reward committed players who meet our raiding standards and distribute loot fairly in a way which aims to improve the raid team as a whole - We've had no loot drama since the start, and never plan to. Loot centric players need not apply.
Contact someone below via their Discord names for more information. Cheers!
Discord and In-Game names in the guild message.
Crown 正在招募中!
團隊副本, 地城, PvP, 社交
What activities is Crown recruiting for?
What is the primary language used in Crown?